A Respite Weekend at Camp

Citizens Options Unlimited (Citizens) Citizens believes that when people come together and work as a team great things happen. Citizens works closely with personal outcome trainers to assist people with I/DD in defining their personal goals and dreams, while developing a life plan that includes natural supports, community supports, and choice of service provision options.  

Mission: Citizens supports people to live the lives they choose.

Vision: A world where all people are valued.

Values: At Citizens, we believe that…

  • Everyone should be treated with dignity and respect
  • Supports are best provided around people’s needs, desires and choices
  • A dedicated, compassionate and well-trained team provides exceptional supports
  • Open and honest communication builds trust
  • There is strength in diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Sound business practices, financial stability and innovation promote success
  • Relationships with people and their families are vital to our success

Citizens has been designated a COMPASS agency by New York State Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). As a COMPASS agency, we are recognized for our commitment to engaging all stakeholders in working together in a person-centered environment with the goal of promoting and achieving valued outcomes for the people we support.  Of the more than 450 provider agencies in New York State, only four (4) are currently designated as a COMPASS agency.

In 2018, CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership recognized Citizens Options Unlimited with Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation With Distinction, its highest designation. CQL promotes excellence in person-centered services and supports that lead to an increased quality of life for people receiving supports and services. There are only 9 organizations in the United States who have achieved this accreditation which is reflective of our unparalleled commitment to the people supported by our services, our staff, families and the community in which we all live.

Citizens Options Unlimited, and partnering organization AHRC Nassau, are the only two agencies in New York State to achieve both COMPASS designation and CQL’s Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation With Distinction.